The Golden Key to A Better Life

I remember how people would call me names when I was in elementary school.  I was the smallest in my class.  And I had my shared of being picked a lot.

To add more insult, I was pretty skinny.  I was called from toothpick to small twig and skeleton.

I never liked it.  But, as a kid, it was pretty damaging.

The good thing, I had a pretty good self-esteem.  I wouldn’t say a healthy one, but good enough that I chose to ignore most of the name calling.

Unfortunately, I was kind of stupid too.  I had no fear and stood up for myself against big boys.  I ended up getting into a few fights and brought a black eye a couple of times home.

I never saw myself as the strongest kid on the block.  But, after a couple of fights, the big bullies didn’t mess with me.  Once in a while, they would name call me at a distance, but when I started to run after them, they will take off like a little girl.

Because of this, I had little problems with my self-image.  At time I may think that I’m no good or a failure, but it doesn’t take long for me to bounce back.

I always know that I can take care of myself.  That no matter how big the challenge (or problem), I can take it.  I still experience a great deal of fear… but I know that the fear will be afraid of me after I tackle it a few times.

If your action, feelings and behavior are not where you want to be, there is a good chance that you won’t meet your challenge as well as you can.

In another word, your confidence is that there to face your challenger.

I don’t care of all the imperfection I have.  I’m aware of them.  But, I don’t let that get to me.

You should be the same.  You must trust and believe in yourself.  You should not be focusing on your imperfections nor be ashamed of yourself.

Express yourself on who you are without hiding or covering  your true self.  You will function more effectively and will be more confident within.

If your self-image is intact, your confidence and self-esteem will increase.  And the degree on how you enjoy life will be increased.