Knowing Why and Changing Your Thoughts

I always thought that I will be a wealthy and admired person.  I dreamed about it… even felt it.

There was no doubt in my mind that I will be the youngest “trillionaire” in the world and the most popular person every one loved.  It made me feel good about my self and even look forward to the future.

I couldn’t wait.

When I was in high school, I knew I was going to college.  I didn’t have to, but I just knew I would go and finish.  I also thought that I would invent the latest breakthrough discovery of the century.

As time passed by, my dreams of becoming a famous magnate seems to dwell down and down and was getting further out of reach.

Needless to say, everything I thought I was going to do or have didn’t (or hasn’t) come true.  But, everything I knew I was going to be doing did happen.

The difference is pretty big.

Thoughts are just thoughts. Knowing something is much better since there are some action or experience leading to it.

You can think enough for something to happen unless you are taking some action to make it happen.

That is to say… thinking that you will be a millionaire by next year will not make it happen by just thinking by itself.

However, if you are in a very high paying position… or your business is growing rapidly… you might know that you will be a millionaire next year or so.

You can dream as much as you want.  But, if your thoughts are not translated into action.  You might as well enjoy your dream as a fantasy since it will most likely not happen.

Now, if you are working on achieving your dream and are taking continuous actions towards it.  It will very likely happen.

I say very likely, because your actions must be moving towards your dream.  You can’t become a millionaire by just working hard.  It’s more than that.  Not all dreams will come true with working hard alone.

The better you can plan it, the more efficient you can execute it, the faster you will achieve it.